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    FLOWER FESTIVAL IN PYIN OO LWIN (October 29, 2007)
    HOT AIR BALLOON FESTIVAL (October 25, 2007)
    COME AND VISIT TO MYANMAR (October 22, 2007)
    GOLDEN ROCK  FESTIVAL (October 15, 2007)


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    FLOWER FESTIVAL IN PYIN OO LWIN ( October 29, 2007)

    It is good new for the person who are interested in flowers and botanical facts. The second Flower Festival will be held from December 15, 2007 till January 15, 2008 at Kandawgyi National Park (formerlay named Botanical Garden), Pyin Oo Lwin. Pyin Oo Lwin is a pretty and popular little hill resort, 67km east of Mandalay. It is well known for its colonial style houses with large compound and pine trees, eucalyptus and silver-oak abound in town. With its cool, temperate weather, scenic natural beauty, and its many sites of interest, this hill station is a place fully deserving a visit for an interlude of rest and relaxation. In Kandawgyi National Park, the number of growing plants which are 250,000 including some rare species in Myanmar such as Tulips, Lilies, Begonias, Pansies, Petunias, Gebara daisies, will be decorated during flower festival. Paper white plant that reproduced from different species of Lilies and Tulips, will be arranged to show in this year festival. The demonstrations of growing plants practically and entertainment programs like funfairs and stage-shows will be involved. The National Kandawgyi Gardens cordially extends its welcome to all those who would care to come for an instinctive and rewarding holiday in truly lovely, exotic and pleasant surroundings.
    If you have a plan to visit Myanmar in this period, donft miss the chance to enjoy the flower festival in lovely town, Pyin Oo Lwin! Please visit

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    HOT-AIR BALLOON FESTIVAL ( October 25, 2007)

    It is about another one of the famous events of Myanmar seasonal festivals, Hot- Air Balloon Festival. It is very popular event of Taunggyi, the capital of the Southern Shan State. Hot-Air Balloon Festival is the most significant one and the annual Tazaungdine Lighting Festival. It will be celebrated on one week before the Full Moon of Tazaungmon to Full Moon Day of Myanmar calendar and from the 18th Novemberf07 to the 24th Noveemberf07. This celebration is held by Pa O people, one of the many ethnic groups in the region. It celebrates traditionally combine with a competition to send up the most elaborate and beautiful balloons of every shape and size that made by bamboo frames and Shan paper. There is also hot balloons competition on the day and night occasions. Day balloons are usually in the form of Pagodas, and animals such as elephant, dragon or ducks while the night balloons usually in the shape of huge elongated paper balls with small lighted multicolored paper lanterns hung around their sides and balloons would sting along fireworks and fire sticks which are set off mid-air fireworks. The large crowds of people from Taunggyi, nearby villages and all over the country gather at Hot-Air balloon festival.
    We warmly welcome to visit Myanmar, to enjoy and observe the hill tribes in this special event of Taunggyi. Please visit

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    COME AND VISIT TO MYANMAR ( October 22, 2007)

    ‚ve would like to inform a good new about the situation of Myanmar at the present time. On last Saturday evening, ended the 9 PM to 5 AM curfew according to the announcement issued from a speaker atop one of the vehicles in Yangon. Now, Myanmar is peace and tranquil as before. The religious festivals are being celebrated regularly safe and sound. It is the best time for tourist due to crowded Myanmar Religious festivals, fine weather and Hotelsf promotion with their special rates.
    So we would like to invite to visit Myanmar, a land of ancient glory and great natural beauty.

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    We would like to inform another one of Myanmar Festivals. The Kyaikkami Yele Pagoda Festival will be held on the Full Moon Day of Thadingyut for five days. It is also famous one of Myanmar religious festivals. Kyaikkami that located 9km northeast of Thanphyuzayat in Mon State was a small coastal resort and missionary center known as Amherst during the British era. The main focus of Kyaikkami is Yele Paya, a metal-roofed Buddhist shrine complex perched over the sea and reached via a long two-level causeway; the tower level is submerged during high tide. Along with 11 Buddha hair relics, the shrine chamber beneath Yele Pagoda reportedly contains a Buddha image that supposedly floated here on a raft from Sri Lanka in ancient times. Other attractions there are the colonial administrative buildings that are nearly 100 years old.
    So if you have a plan to visit to Myanmar in October, you can enjoy the Kyaikkami Yele Pagoda Festival and have extraordinary experience in Mawlamyaing and Thanphuzayat.

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    It is time for Myanmar people get ready to enjoy the Thadingyut lights Festival with all their mood. All of children and people in Myanmar enjoy this lights festival around October according to Myanmar calendar which is falling pleasant season and end of Buddhist lent. During the Thadingyut Festival, homes and streets of cities are decorated by colorful paper lantern hanging here and there at nights. Many Shops are display in variety of the beautiful and colorful paper lanterns to sell. Students are very happy due to their Thadingyut holidays. Children play with many different kinds of hand-made lighting toys with wheels. One of the playing things that children like most are crickets of fire works that made up of gun powder which can explode with a lot of noises but not harm. Students are preparing to pay their respect to teachers. Young people who live away from their parents prepare to return home to pay homage in this time. The couples to be are preparing throughout the entire Lenten period for their wedding reception at Thadingyut. In the countryside, farmers have a breathing space now that most of monsoon cultivation is over and they devote their time and energy to fun and festivities for a change. People in the villages prepare to make Myanmar pan-cakes to be offered to monks. The month of Thadingyut roughly coinciding with October is replete with festivities, acts of charity, fine weather and freedom of movement or to get married!
    So we would like to heartily invite you to visit Myanmar for participating to enjoy this Thadingyut lights Festival.

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    GOLDEN ROCK FESTIVAL( October 15, 2007)

    It is closed to Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Festival. The famous legendary Pagoda on the Golden Rock about 160 Km from Yangon and 11 km of hiking from the base camp at Kyaikhto. The Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Festival is a special festival of lights celebration. It will be held on the Full Moon Day of Thadingyut, and it falls in October, locals offer the lighting of 9000 candles and 9000 flowers to the Biuddha. On the next morning, rice, sweets and other snacks are offered. The platform and passage of the pagoda are usually filled with visitors from all over the country.
    So, please share their experiences and their feelings when you will have a visit to Myanmar in this period.

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    Magway, the capital of Magway Division is 331miles from Yangon and it is easily accessible by road and the drive from Yangon takes about 10 hours via Pyay. Magwe Myathalon Pagoda is near the Ayeyarwaddy River Bank. Magwe Myathalon Pagoda festival will be held on 20th Octoberf2007. Magwe Myathalon Pagoda and Minbu Shwesettaw are famous destination of Magwe. There can be traveled with using railways, motor roads and domestic flight.
    If you will visit to Myanmar in October, you can visit and observe upper Myanmar traditional Pagoda Festival and have a very beautiful scenery beyond the Ayeyarwaddy River from the precict of Myathalun golden stupa.

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    We would like to inform another famous festival in Myanmar, Dummy Elephant Dance Festival. It is held in Kyaukse, 30 miles south of Mandalay.
    Dummy Elephant Dance Festival is a dance competition with a huge elephant figure which constructed by bamboo, cloth, paper and as much gilt foil and glitter. It is also a marvelous performance of two men together to dance in rhythm. Two men take their places inside the figure and dance around the town to the accompaniment of Dobat and Drums. The elephant dancers circles three times at the foot of the hill to pay homage to the Shwe Tha Lyaung Pagoda. It is a dance that requires precise rhythm and timing in order for the elephant dancers to maintain unity inside the elephant figure. People from far and near come to visit Kyaukse and watch the elephant dance.
    So if you have a plan to visit to Myanmar in October, you can enjoy 'Dummy Elephant Dance Festival' and have extraordinary experience in Kyaukse.

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    It is close to reach the Thadingyut lights Festival. It is usually held in October for three days all over Myanmar. Thandingyut is seven-month of Myanmar calendar and the end of lent. It is one of religious festivals. Three days of lights festival, namely the day before full moon, the full moon day and the days after. During the Thadingyut Festival, the Pagodas are dedicated with candle lights and oil lamps. Houses, office, shops, streets are decorated with electric lights. Lightings are there to celebrate the anniversary of Buddha's return from the celestial abode where He had spent the lent teaching the celestials about His Law. Among the gods was the one who was the mother of Buddha, reborn there. It was on the full moon day of Thadingyut month that Buddha descended to the abode of humans. He and His disciples were attended by a heavenly host of celestials who created a pathway of star ladder. Buddhist on earth illuminated the homes and streets to welcome Buddha and His disciples. In memory of this great event, the lights Festival was held up to these days by the people. There is another custom in this period, parents, teachers and relative elders are offered with gifts, food and drinks by the youths.

    We invite you to come Myanmar to enjoy the Thadingyut lights Festival.